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Privacy Policy

In "POEMA DEL MAR, S.A." we continue to work on privacy in the treatment of your personal data, updating our Privacy Policy to inform about the way we collect, use and store all the data of the people who contact us by any means, according to the following sections:

I.- Data controller.

II.- Purposes of data processing.

III.- How long your personal data will be kept.

IV.-What is the legitimacy for the processing of your personal data?

V.- Who can have access to your personal data?

VI.- What rights do you have as a user?

VII.- Third party data

VIII- From what age can the User access our products and services?

IX.- Security measures implemented..

X.- Cookies


That the interested party (user) who provides “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” with personal data through social networks or online platforms is informed that the party responsible for the processing of the personal data provided will be: : “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”, with C.I.F. A76169861, and address Acuario Poema del Mar, Parcela C-2, Muelle Sanapú, Puerto de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Telephone 928010350 and e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As the data controller, “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” will expressly request the user's consent to this privacy policy.

In case of any questions about data protection, the user may contact “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”and will be promptly attended.


Depending on the reason for which the User has contacted us, “POEMA DEL MAR S.A.”the processing of the data provided will have the following objectives or purposes:

- To manage purchases and requests made by the User through our web pages.

- To contact the User in order to attend to their requests, requests or queries.

-To provide the User by any means, preferably by sending commercial communications to the e-mail addresses provided by the User, of services, promotions, news and products managed by “ POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”

-To manage and control the client portfolio, attend to service requests and proceed to their invoicing and collection.

- To carry out promotional activities, including the sending of commercial communications to the e-mail address provided by the User from companies collaborating with “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” solely related to leisure, tourism and enjoyment of theme parks.

- Involve the User in promotional activities such as games, competitions and draws carried out through our website.

-Where appropriate, to create a User profile, which allows a better relationship between “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”and the User, thus being able to optimise possible offers related to our products and services.

-Obtaining curriculum vitae, for the purposes of personnel selection.


The User's personal data will be stored by “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”for the legally permitted period of time, depending on the reason for which the data was provided by the User.

The data obtained for promotional activities will be stored for a period of two years, unless expressly revoked in advance by the User.

For the purposes of billing and collection of services, where appropriate, the data will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, plus the retention period required by applicable legislation and until the statute of limitations for claiming hypothetical contractual liabilities “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”is understood to have elapsed.

The data obtained for the management of queries and requests will be stored for a maximum period of one year.

The data obtained on the occasion of participation in promotional activities, such as games, raffles and competitions, will be kept for the duration of the said activities for the purposes of their effective development according to the bases of participation and until the consummation of the effects of the User's participation in them.

The data provided for the purposes of communication and commercial profiles will be kept by “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” and will not have a maximum period of use, unless the User expressly declares that they should be deleted.

The data relating to curriculum vitae, during the selection process, and for a further year.


The personal data provided by the User are ultimately intended so that “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” can provide the services offered and accepted by you, as well as so that “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” can continue to achieve its legitimate right to grow as a company by building customer loyalty and offering new services and products.


Personal data may be transferred to companies that collaborate with “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”, for the aforementioned purposes, at the express request of the User and with their subsequent authorisation.

“POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” may transfer or communicate personal data in order to fulfil its obligations to the Public Administrations when, in compliance with current legislation, it is formally required to do so. It shall also do so when required to do so by the State security forces and judicial bodies in the exercise of their powers.


All Users shall be entitled to exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, portability and limitation of the processing of their personal data.

Similarly, the User may refuse the automated processing of personal data collected by “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”

Users' rights may be asserted through the means of contact listed in section "I" of this Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree with the treatment that “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” gives to the User in the exercise of their rights, you can complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency and to any other competent supervisory body.

The User may exercise the aforementioned rights or revoke the consent for processing given to “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” or request any clarification by sending an express request to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,proving that he/she is the owner of the data on which he/she wishes to exercise his/her rights.


Should personal data be obtained from third parties other than the User, they shall be informed in advance of the content of art. 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation.


As a general rule and in accordance with Article 8 of the new General Data Protection Regulation, where Article 6(1) (a) applies in relation to the direct offering of information society services to children, the processing of a child's personal data shall be considered lawful when the child is at least 16 years old. If the child is under 16 years of age, such processing shall only be lawful if and only to the extent that the consent was given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility or guardianship over the child.


“POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” committed to the legally established obligations regarding personal data, has adopted and will adopt as many control measures as necessary to try to prevent the data provided by users may be altered and / or suffer unauthorised access or unauthorised processing. To this end, “POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.” maintains the technical and organisational security measures in place to guarantee the security of the User's personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations.


“POEMA DEL MAR, S.A.”informs Users that when accessing the website, Cookies may be sent to their computer according to the methods described in the Cookies policy included in the conditions of use of the website.

Cookies policy

a) Definition and generic function of cookies

What are cookies? A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing our website. Cookies allow us, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or his/her team and, depending on the information they contain, and the way you use your equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. This website uses cookies and / or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. The specific uses we make of these technologies are described below.

b) Information about the type of cookies used and their purpose.

  • Own cookies: These are those that we send to your computer or terminal from our Web page.
  • Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to your computer or terminal from a domain or a web page that is not managed by us, but by another entity which treats the data obtained through cookies.
  • Session cookies: They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while accessing our website.
  • Persistent cookies: They are a type of cookies in which data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and treated during a certain period of time, and that can go from a few minutes to several years.
  • Analysis cookies: Those that are well treated by us or by third parties, we allow quantifying the number of users and perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of our website. For this we analyze the navigation on our website in order to improve the product offer or the services we offer.
  • Behavioral advertising: those that are treated by us or by third parties, and that allow us to analyze your browsing habits on the Internet so that we can show you advertising related to your browsing profile. They allow us to obtain the following information:
    The domain name of the provider that gives them access to the network. This way we can Prepare statistics on the countries and servers that visit our website most often.
  • The date and time of access to our website. This allows us to find out the extra hours influx, and make precise adjustments to avoid saturation problems in our peak hours.
  • The IP address and the Internet address the link that directs to our Web comes from. Thanks to this data, we can know the effectiveness of the different banners and links that point to our server, in order to enhance those that offer better results, in order to meet the information needs of our visitors.
  • The number of daily visitors to each section. This allows us to know the areas of more success and increase and improve its content, so that users get a more satisfactory result. The information obtained through these cookies, referred to the user’s equipment, may be combined with your personal data only if you are registered on this website.

c) Identification of who uses cookies.

  1. Own Cookies:
    • User input cookies:

    UserNameCookie (website): They are used to identify a user within a website. They are not stored in our system.

    • Authentication or user identification cookies:

    UserLoginCookie (website): They are used to keep the user logged in. They are not stored in our system.

    Third party cookies, partner companies Specifically the service providers with whom we have contracted a service for the The use of cookies is necessary:

    Analysis cookies:

    • Google Analytics (Google): Analyze and measure user navigation. The applications we use to obtain navigation information, measure and analyze the audience are
  2. Advertising cookies:
    • Google Adwords (Google): Analyzes how the user behaves when viewing the ad (

d) Information on how to accept, deny, revoke consent or eliminate cookies.

The user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in your browser program, or by using the tool third parties, available on our website, which allows detecting the generated cookies and Manage your deactivation. If you want to access the panel to configure them click here: Cookie Config.

Administration of cookies through your own browser.

You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer through the browser options settings installed on your computer. See the options and instructions offered by your browser for it. Please note that if you accept cookies from third parties, you must remove them from the browser options.

  • You can get more information about the Firefox browser from here: preferences?redirectlocale = en & redirectslug = enable-and-disable-cookies-that-loss-we

  • You can get more information about the Chrome browser from here:

  • You can get more information about the Internet Explorer browser from here:

  • You can get more information about the Opera browser from here:

e) Information on data transfers to third countries made by the publisher.

The publisher does not make international data transfers. Transfers to third parties countries that, where appropriate, make the third parties identified in this cookie policy as “Third Party Cookies, Collaborating Companies” can be seen in their corresponding policies (see the companies provided in the section “Third party cookies”).

f) Profiling

This website does not produce profiles that involve automated decision making with legal effects for the user or that significantly affect him in a similar way.

g) Conservation period.

Regarding the preservation of Cookies in order to manage the corporate website, they will be kept for a period of two years, taking as reference the last visit to our website.

h) Rights of the interested parties

You can refer to our Privacy Policy.