Thursday, 09 September 2021 09:11

Turtle found in critical condition recovers at Poema del Mar before being returned to the sea

Una tortuga encontrada en estado crítico se recupera en Poema del Mar antes de ser devuelta al mar 2

A turtle found in critical condition is recovering at Poema del Mar before being returned to the sea. Recently, this large specimen, weighing more than 70 kilos, was transferred from the medical area of the aquarium to the Deep Sea exhibition, where it will remain until it can be released.

During the transfer, Luis Ibarra, president of the Port Authority of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and Pascual Calabuig, veterinarian of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, accompanied the Poema del Mar staff.

This loggerhead turtle was found in the southern part of Gran Canaria in a critical condition and covered in leeches. After being rescued and cured by the Centro de Recuperación de Fauna Silvestre de Taliarte (Wildlife Recovery Centre of Taliarte), Poema del Mar took the turtle into its facilities in order to prepare it for reintroduction into the ocean.

Una tortuga encontrada en estado crítico se recupera en Poema del Mar antes de ser devuelta al mar 6

For a period of two weeks, the turtle has been cared for by the aquarium staff, has been eating at the surface and has been strengthening and preparing to spend the rest of her stay at Deep Sea, where she will live with numerous species that are common in her natural environment and which she will encounter when she returns to the sea.

Thus, all those who visit Poema del Mar in the coming weeks will be able to see it up close and learn about its history, in addition to learning about the situation of the species in the wild, something that will undoubtedly contribute to its protection. The Caretta caretta is classified as vulnerable on the Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature

Una tortuga encontrada en estado crítico se recupera en Poema del Mar antes de ser devuelta al mar 5